Friday, October 12, 2007

Current Events Update #4

Scientists have just discovered a way to create adhesive using the same methods of physics behind frogs and lizards. The scientists have created the product based off of the way that the animals are able to stick onto things and hold themselves up. This is in no way hurting the environment however it is proof that we are able to learn and benefit from our ecosystem and the other plants and animals that live in it, similar to the way that we get our medicine from natural sources. I think it is really cool how we have learned from these animals and how we have used this knowledge to create something that we use in our everyday life.

Current Events Update #3

Recently in Australia there has been a large mining boom. The boom is located Port Hedland, the largest town in the Pilbara region. The mining is happening because of an increased demand from the Asian market. The digging is hurting the environment around the area very badly and is killing animals and vegetation. I would like to see the digging stopped as soon as possible in order to preserve the ecosystem and prevent anymore species from dying.

Current Events Update #2

Recently Greece has experienced wild fires that have lasted for months. The fires have burned 670,000 acres (which is 5% of the nations totall land) and has killed at least 67 people. Part of the area that has been affected is a protected forest. I think this is a devastating blow to Greece's environment and it will take decades until the damaged area is restored. I think that Greece should really try to restore the land that was damaged and try and put in steps to not let this happen again.

Current Events Update #1

There are new reports out that contribute global warming to the recent rise in humidity. It is said that the higher temperature is causing more water to evaporate, this leads to more vapor in the air which means more humidity. The major downfall to this is that the higher the amount of water vapor the greater the chance of heavy rains and damaging hurricanes. In my opinion this is something that could alter the environment forever however there is not that much that we can do about it other than what we are currently doing to prevent global warming. I was just surprised to find out that there was that much water vapor in the air due to global warming and that the vapor is one of the main reasons why we have been having higher humidity.